WHOI Contributions to the Scientific Literature - Monthly Activity Report

Articles Received in May 1996

Woods Hole, MA 02543
Anderson, Jamie M. and Dana R. Yoerger.
Autonomous benthic explorer model development. In: Intervention/ROV '92 Conference and Exposition. San Diego, June 10-12, 1992. Intervention/ROV '92 Committee of the Marine Technology Society, San Diego, :333-338, 1992.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: NONE

Caron, David A.
Symposium introductory remarks: Molecular ecology and systematics. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol., 43(2):87-88, 1996.
Contracts: NSF OCE-216270.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: NONE

Caswell, Hal.
Demography meets ecotoxicology: Untangling the population level effects of toxic substances. In: Ecotoxicology: A Hierarchical Treatment. M. Newman and C.H. Jagoe, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, :255-292, 1996.
Contracts: NSF DEB92-11945, EPA R818408-01-0.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 8876

Coles, Victoria J., Donald B. Olson, Michael S. McCartney and William M. Smethie, Jr.
Changes in Antarctic bottom water properties in the western South Atlantic in the late 1980's. J.Geophys.Res., 101(B4):8957-8970, 1996.
Contracts: NSF OCE86-14486, NSF OCE92-01314.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 8587

Dewar, W. K. and R. X. Huang.
On the forced flow of salty water in a loop. Phys.Fluids, 8(4):954-970, 1996.
Contracts: NOAA NA36GP0270, NSF OCE93-00706.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 8971

Hogg, Nelson G. and Rui Xin Huang, eds.
Collected works of Henry M. Stommel. American Meteorological Society, Boston, Volumes 1-3, 1995.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: NONE

Jayne, Steven R., Nelson G. Hogg and Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli.
Recirculation gyres forced by a beta-plane jet. J.Phys.Oceanogr., 26(4):492-504, 1996.
Contracts: ONR N00014-85-C-0001, ONR N00014-90-J-1481, WHOI Summer Student Fellowship, MIT Sea Grant - Undergrad. Research Opportunities, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 8943

Kamenkovich, Igor V. and Joseph Pedlosky.
Radiating instability of nonzonal ocean currents. J.Phys.Oceanogr. 26(4):622-643, 1996.
Contracts: NSF OCE93-01845.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9113

Keleman, Peter B.
Genesis of high Mg# andesites and the continental crust. Contrib.Mineral.Petrol. 120:1-19, 1995.
Contracts: NSF EAR-8600534, NSF EAR-9005306, NSF OCE-9217556, NSF OCE-9314013, Mellon Independent Study Award from WHOI.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: NONE

Lim, Ee Lin.
Molecular identification on Nanoplanktonic protists based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences for ecological studies. J.Eukaryot.Microbial., 43(2)101-106, 1996.
Contracts: NSF OCE-216270.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: NONE

Schumacher, Mary, Porter Hoagland and Arthur Gaines.
Land-based marine pollution in the Caribbean: Incentives and prospects for an effective regional protocol. Mar.Pol., 20(2):99-121, 1996.
Contracts: U.S. EPA Office of International Affairs Coop., Agreement CX821540-01-0, Marine Policy Center.
Department of WHOI Author: MPC.
Contribution Number: 9002

Stanton, Timothy K., Dezhang Chu and Peter H. Wiebe.
Acoustic scattering characteristics of several zooplankton groups. ICES J.Mar.Sci., 53:289-295, 1996.
Contracts: ONR N00014-89-J-1729, ONR N00014-95-1-0287, NSF OCE92-01264.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE., BIO.
Contribution Number: 9181

Waite, Anya M., Robert J. Olson, Hans G. Dam and Uta Passow.
Sugar-containing compounds on the cell surfaces of marine diatoms measured using Concanavalin A and flow cytometry. J.Phycol., 31:925-933, 1995.
Contracts: ONR N00014-83-K-0661, NSF OCE90-12147, NOAA Sea Grant NA90-AA-D-SG480, R/B-129-PD.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 9022

Williams, Albert J., 3rd. and Naomi R. Fraenkel.
Measurement of multiple sensors simultaneously with counters. Sea Technol., 37(2):89-92, 1996.
Contracts: NSF OCE90-18623.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9018

Alora Paul
MBL/WHOI Library
email: library@whoi.edu

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Last update: June 3, 1996