WHOI Contributions to the Scientific Literature - Monthly Activity Report

Articles In Preparation - November 1996

Woods Hole, MA 02543
Bachmayer, R., S. Humphris, D. Fornari, C. Van Dover, J. Howland, A. Bowen, R. Elder, T. Crook, D. Gleason, W. Sellers and S. Lerner.
Robotic oceanographic exploration of hydrothermal vent sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37° North 32° West. IEEE International Conference on robotics and automation (ICRA97), April 20-25, 1996. Albuquerque, IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE-9627160, NSF OCE-9505579.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9362

Bowin, Carl.
Mass anomalies and deep earth structure. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: World Gravity Project, Oil Company support.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9363

Bowin, Carl.
Mass anomalies of Earth, Venus, and Mars: Initial estimates. IAG Symposium. March 1997, Springer Verlag, IN PRESS.
Contracts: World Gravity Project, Emeritus Account.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9371

Buesseler, Ken O.
The isotopic signature of fallout plutonium in the North Pacific. J.Environ.Radioact., IN PRESS.
Contracts: DOE DE-FG02-85ER60358.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 9298

Clift, P. D., J. Lorenzo, A. Carter, A. J. Hurfurd and the ODP Leg 159 Scientific Party.
Transform tectonics and thermal rejuvenation on the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin, West Africa. J.Geol.Soc., IN PRESS.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9372

Colosi, John A. and Michael G. Brown.
Efficient numerical simulation of stochastic internal-wave-induced sound speed perturbation fields. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-95-1-0051.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9374

Keigwin, Lloyd D.
The Little Ice Age and Medieval warm period in the Sargasso Sea. Science, IN PRESS.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.

Kelly, Kathryn A., Sandipa Singh and Rui Xin Huang.
The index cycle in the Gulf Stream. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NASA NAGW-1666, NASA NAGW-4806, NASA NAGW-4331.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9367

Kleinrock, Martin C., Brian E. Tucholke, Jian Lin, and Maurice A. Tivey.
Fast rift propagation at a slow-spreading ridge: Progressive tearing of an entire spreading segment. Geology, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-90-J-1621, ONR N00014-94-1-0466.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9360

Pickart, Robert S. and William M. Smethie, Jr.
Temporal evolution of the deep western boundary current where it enter the sub- tropical domain. Prog.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE93-01448.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9365

Pineda, J. and H. Caswell.
The dependence of settlement rate on substrate area. Mar.Biol., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-92-J-1527.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 9369

Samelson, R. M.
Stratification in a planetary geostrophic ocean model: Two numerical experiments. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-93-1-1369, NSF OCE94-15512.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9366

Shen, Yang, Donald W. Forsyth, James Conder and LeRoy M. Dorman.
Investigation of microearthquake activity following an intraplate teleseismic swarm on the west flank of the southern east Pacific rise. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: WHOI Postdoc. fellowship.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9361

Singh, Hanumant, Dana Yoerger, Ralf Bachmayer, Albert Bradley and William Stewart.
Sonar mapping with the autonomous benthic explorer (ABE). Ninth International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered submersible Technology, September 25-27, 1996, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONT N00014-90-C-0098, NSF OCE-9216755.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9373

Solow, Andrew R. and Woollcott Smith.
Estimation from an incomplete fossil record. Paleobiology, IN PRESS.
Contracts: The Marine Policy Center.
Department of WHOI Author: MPC.
Contribution Number: 9347

Spall, Michael A.
Baroclinic jets in confluent flow. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-90-J-1490, ONR N00014-93-1-0572.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9296

Tang, Xiaoou and W. Kenneth Stewart.
Plankton image classification using novel parallel-training learning vector quantization network. Oceans '96, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-93-1-0602.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9293

Toole, J. M., K. W. Doherty, D. E. Frye and R. C. Millard.
A wire-guided, free-fall system to facilitate ship-borne hydrographic profiling. J.Atmos.Ocean.Technol., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE91-06837, NSF OCE91-06839, NSF OCE93-20647, WHOI Director's Discretionary Funds.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9357

Tucholke, Brian E., Jian Lin, Martin C. Kleinrock, Maurice A. Tivey, Thomas B. Reed, John Goff and Gary E. Jaroslow.
Segmentation and crustal structure of the western Mid-Atlantic Ridge flanks, 25°30' - 27°10'N and 0-29 M.Y. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-93-1-1153, ONR N00014-90-J-1621, ONR N00014-94-1-0466, NSF OCE-9300708.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9375

Watkins, William A., Mary Ann Daher, Nancy A. DiMarzio, Amy Samuels, Douglas Wartzok, Kurt M. Fristrup, Paul W. Howey, Romaine R. Maiefski and Trevor R. Spradlin.
Sperm whale surfacing activities in the southeast Caribbean from tracking by radio and satellite tags. Marine Mammal Science, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-92-J-1816, ONR N00014-94-I-0812.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 9359

Wheatcroft, R. A., C. K. Sommerfield, D. E. Drake, J. C. Borgeld and C. A. Nittrouer.
Rapid and widespread dispersal of flood sediment on the northern California margin. Geology, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-93-1-0183.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9356

White, S. N., A. D. Chave and J. H. Filloux.
A look at galvanic distortion in the Tasman Sea and the Juan de Fuca plate. J.Geomag.Geoelectr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF EAR-9505932.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9364

Wiebe, P. H. and R. C. Beardsley.
Introduction to physical-biological interactions on Georges Bank and its environs. Deep-Sea Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE-920164, NSF OCE-9315713, NSF OCE-9313675, NOAA NA16RC0515.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO., PO.
Contribution Number: 9267

Alora Paul
MBL/WHOI Library
email: library@whoi.edu

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