WHOI Contributions to the Scientific Literature - Monthly Activity Report

Articles In Preparation - September 1996

Woods Hole, MA 02543
Berggren, W. A. and Marie-Pierre Aubry.
The Paleocene/Eocene Epoch/Series boundary: Chronostratigraphic framework and estimated geochronology. In: Late Paleocene-Early Eocene climatic and biotic events. Marie-Pierre Aubry, Spencer Lucas and William A. Berggren, eds.
Columbia University Press, IN PRESS.
Contracts: A consortium of oil companies.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9321

Berggren, William A., Spencer Lucas and Marie-Pierre Aubry.
Late Paleocene-early Eocene climatic and biotic evolution: An overview. In: Late Paleocene-Early Eocene climatic and biotic events. Marie-Pierre Aubry, Spencer Lucas and William A. Berggren, eds. Columbia University Press, IN PRESS.
Contracts: A Consortium of oil companies.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9320

Chapman, David C. and Glen Gawarkiewicz.
Shallow convection and buoyancy equilibration in an idealized coastal polynya. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OPP-9422292
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9327

Edson, J. B. and C. W. Fairall.
Similarity relationships in the marine atmospheric surface layer for terms in the TKE and scalar variance budgets. J.Atmos.Sci., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-92-J-1585, ONR N00014-96-I-0516, ONR N00014-93-I-0274.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9316

Goff, John A. and Brian E. Tucholke.
Multi-scaled spectral analysis of seafloor bathymetry on the flanks of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-90-J-1621, ONR N00014-94-1-0466.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9336

Gregg, Tracy K. P. and W. W. Chadwick, Jr.
Submarine lava flow inflation: A model for the formation of lava pillars. Geology, IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE95-05384.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9317

Hirth, Greg and David L. Kohlstedt.
Water in the oceanic upper mantle: Implications for rheology, melt extraction and the evolution of the lithosphere. Earth Planet.Sci.Lett., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF EAR9405845.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: NONE

Hoagland, Porter, Hauke L. Kite-Powell and Mary Schumacher.
What kind of precaution? Regulating marine toxic pollution under the London Convention. International Issues, IN PRESS.
Contracts: The Marine Policy Center, MIT Sea Grant No. NA46RG0434.
Department of WHOI Author: MPC.
Contribution Number: 9324

Holbrook, W. Steven, Hartley Hoskins, Warren T. Wood, Ralph A. Stephen, Daniel Lizarralde and the Leg 164 Science Party.
Methane hydrate and free gas on the Blake Ridge from vertical seismic profiling. Science, IN PRESS.
Contracts: USSSP #F00023 26015700, NSF OCE-9320477.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9322

Lozier, M. Susan, Lawrence J. Pratt and Audrey M. Rogerson.
Exchange geometry revealed by float trajectories in the Gulf Stream. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-89-J-1182, ONR N00014-93-1-1369, NSF OCE95-03014.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9335

Moffett, James W., Larry E. Brand, Peter L. Croot and Katherine A. Barbeau.
Cu speciation and cyanobacterial distribution in harbors subject to anthropogenic Cu inputs. Limnol.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-93-1-0833.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 9315

Pratt, Lawrence J.
Hydraulically-drained flows in rotating basins. Part II: Steady flow. J. Geohpys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-95-1-0456, NSF OCE91-15359.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9328

Sayles, F. L., H. D. Livingston, G. P. Panteleyev (Posthumous).
The history and source of particulate 137Cs and 239,240Pu deposition in sediments of the Ob River Delta, Siberia. In: Oslo Conference Proceedings - Science of the Total Environment special issue, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-93-1-0641, ONR N00014-95-1-1208.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 9307

Solow, Andrew R. and Kenneth Sherman.
Testing for stability in a predator-prey system. Ecology, IN PRESS.
Contracts: The Marine Policy Center.
Department of WHOI Author: MPC.
Contribution Number: 9325

Trowbridge, J. H. and S. J. Lentz.
Dynamics of the bottom boundary layer on the northern California shelf. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-89-J-1067, ONR N00014-89-J-1074, ONR N00014-89-J-1058.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9319

Alora Paul
MBL/WHOI Library
email: library@whoi.edu

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Last update: September 4, 1996