WHOI Contributions to the Scientific Literature - Monthly Activity Report

Articles In Preparation - July 1996

Woods Hole, MA 02543
Aguilera, Angeles, Sonsoles Gonzalez-Gil, Bruce A. Keafer and Donald M. Anderson.
Immunomagnetic separation of toxic dinoflagellate cells Alexandrium sp. from natural plankton samples. Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE-8911226, NSF OCE-9415536, National Sea Grant Program, Dept. of Commerce Grant No. NA46-RG-0470, WHOI Sea Grant Project R/B- 130, Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia fellows.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 9275

Allsup, Geoffrey P. and David S. Hosom.
High quality sea surface temperature for volunteer observing ships. Oceans '96, IN PRESS.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.

Anderson, Steven P., Alan Hinton and Robert A. Weller.
Moored observations of precipitation temperature. J.Atmos.Oceanic Technol., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE91-10559.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9280

Buesseler, K. O. and H. D. Livingston.
Natural and man-made radionuclide in the Black Sea. International Symposium "Radionuclides in the Ocean", IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE-8917465, PEA ID No. RI87047-01-3.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 9258

Clift, Peter D., Andrew Carter and Anthony J. Hurford.
Constraints on the evolution of the east Greenland margin: Evidence from detrital apatite in offshore sediments. Geology, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ODP USSSP 152-2082966.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9277

Clift, Peter D.
Temperature anomalies under the northeast Atlantic rifted volcanic margins. Earth Planet.Sci.Lett., IN PRESS.
Contracts: Supported by WHOI.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9276

Curran, Daniel A.
Rhode Island aquaculture, deja vu all over again? Proc. of Defining the future of aquaculture in Rhode Island. 20-21 June, 1996, IN PRESS.
Contracts: Rhode Island Foundation grant #7071.
Department of WHOI Author: MPC.
Contribution Number: 9264

Duda, Timothy F. and D. Andrew Trivett
Predicted scattering of sound by diffuse hydrothermal vent plumes at Mid-ocean ridges. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., IN PRESS.
Contracts: Mellon Foundation.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9256

Escartin, Javier and Jian Lin.
Tectonic modification of axial crustal structure: Evidence from spectral analyses of gravity and bathymetry from the Mid-Atlantic ridge flanks (25.5 -27.5 N). Earth Planet.Sci.Lett., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE-9300708.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9270

Jenkins, W. J.
Studying thermocline ventilation and circulation using tritium and 3He. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-90-J-1384.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 9274

Kurushin, R. A., A. Bayasgalan, M. Olziybat, B. Enhtuvshin, Peter Molnar, Ch. Bayarsayhan, Kenneth W. Hudnut and Jian Lin.
The surface rupture of the 1957 Gobi-Altay (Ih Bogd), Mongolia earthquake. Memoir of the Geological Society of America, IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF EAR-8920136, NSF/SCEC-608805.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 9279

Norris, Richard D., R. M. Corfield and J. F. Cartlidge.
What is gradualism? Paleobiol., IN PRESS.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.

Pinkel, Robert and Steven Anderson.
Shear, Strain and Richardson number variations in the thermocline: Part I, Statistical description. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-94-1-0046, NSF OCE91-10553.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9272

Pinkel, Robert and Steven Anderson.
Shear, Strain and Richardson number variations in the thermocline: Part II, Modeling Mixing. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-94-1-0046, NSF OCE91-10553.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9273

Samelson, R. M. and Geoffrey K. Vallis.
A simple friction and diffusion scheme for planetary geostropic basin models. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-92-J-1589, NSF OCE91-14977, NSF OCE94-15512.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 9278

Steele, John H.
Comments on the Braer Incident. Proc.R.Soc.Edinburgh, IN PRESS.
Contracts: The Marine Policy Center.
Department of WHOI Author: MPC.
Contribution Number: 9241

Warren, B. A., J. H. Lacase and P. E. Robbins.
Reply. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.

Way, Bryan S.
Vector measuring current meter (VMCM). Oceans '96, IN PRESS.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.

Weishar, Lee, John Teal and John Balletto.
The design process utilized to restore diked salt hay farms to natural marshes. Proc. 23rd annual conf. on methanol restoration & creation, IN PRESS.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 9263

Wheatcroft, Robert A., Jeffrey C. Borgeld, Rebecca S. Born, David E. Drake, Elana L. Leithold, Charles A. Nittrouer and Christopher K. Sommerfield.
The anatomy of an oceanic flood deposit. Oceanography, IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-95-1-0165.
Department of WHOI Author: AOPE.
Contribution Number: 9271

Wiebe, Peter H., Timothy K. Stanton, Mark Benfield, David Mountain and Charles H. Greene.
High frequency acoustic volume backscattering in the George Bank coastal region and its interpretation using scattering models. IEEE J.Oceanic Eng., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-92-J-1527, ONR N00014-95-I-0287, NOAA NA16RC0515, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 9268

Alora Paul
MBL/WHOI Library
email: library@whoi.edu

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Last update: July 3, 1996