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WHOI Contributions to the Scientific Literature - Monthly Activity Report

Articles Submitted in February 1995

Woods Hole, MA 02543
Barradas, Ignacio, Hal Caswell Joel E. Cohen.
Competition during colonization vs. competition after colonization in disturbed environments: A metapopulation approach. Bull.Math.Biol., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-92-J-1527, NSF DEB91-19420.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 8933.

Benfield, Mark C., Cabell S. Davis, Peter H. Wiebe, Scott M. Gallager, R. Gregory Lough and Nancy J. Copley.
Comparative distributions of Calanoid copepods, pteropods and larvaceans estimated from concurrent Video Plankton Recorder and MOCNESS tows in the stratified region of Georges Bank. Deep-Sea Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-93-1-0602, NSERC/Canada, NSF OCE90- 12657, NOAA ME16RC0515-02, NSF GLOBEC OCE93-13671.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 8923.

Brink, K. H.
Wind-driven currents over the continental shelf. In: The Sea. IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-92-J-1643, NSF OCE92-24824.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 8935.

Cai, Wei-Jun and Frederick L. Sayles.
Oxygen penetration depths and fluxes in marine sediments. Mar.Chem., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NOAA NA26RU0182, NSF OCE90-812473.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 8932.

Caswell, Hal.
Analysis of life table response experiments. II. Alternative parameterizations for size- and stage-structured models. Ecol.Model., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF DEB92-11945, NSF OCE91-15562, EPA R818408- 01-0.
Department of WHOI Author: BIO.
Contribution Number: 8929.

Fornari, Daniel J. and Robert W. Embley.
Tectonic and volcanic controls on hydrothermal processes at the mid- ocean ridge: An overview based on near-bottom and submersible studies. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE91-00503.
Department of WHOI Author: GEOL.
Contribution Number: 8931.

Gnanadesikan, Anand and Robert J. Weller.
Structure and instability of the Ekman Spiral in the presence of surface gravity waves. J.Phys.Oceanogr., IN PRESS.
Contracts: ONR N00014-90-J-1495.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 8926.

Goyet, Catherine and Daniel Davis.
Parameterization of temporal and spatial variations of total inorganic carbon in the upper ocean. J.Geophys.Res.. IN PRESS.
Contracts: DOE DE-110544, NASA 232431, NSF OCE810895.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 8934.

Helfrich, Karl R.
Thermo-viscous fingering of flow in a thin gap: Application to magma emplacement. J.Fluid Mech., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF EAR87-08033.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 8924.

Jin, Di and Hauke Kite-Powell.
Environmental liability, marine insurance and an optimal risk sharing strategy for marine oil transport. Mar.Resour.Econ., IN PRESS.
Contracts: Marine Policy Center.
Department of WHOI Author: MPC.
Contribution Number: 8928.

Lalou, Claude, Jean-Louis Reyss, Evelyne Brichet, Peter A. Rona and Geoffrey Thompson.
Hydrothermal activity on a 105 year scale at a slow-spreading ridge, TAG area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE90-13150.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 8927.

McConnell, Robert J., Jr., David M. Glover and Henry H. Blau, Jr.
A new paradigm for automated data selection and interpretation of multispectral and multisensor images. J.Geophys.Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NASA NAGW-2431.
Department of WHOI Author: MCG.
Contribution Number: 8930.

Zenk, Walter and Nelson Hogg.
Climate changes of Antarctic bottom water flowing into the Brazil Basin. Deep-Sea Res., IN PRESS.
Contracts: NSF OCE90-04396, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Si 111/38-1, 39-1, Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie.
Department of WHOI Author: PO.
Contribution Number: 8925.

Alora Paul
MBL/WHOI Library
email: library@whoi.edu

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